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Who we are

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Our history

Our company is located in Villafranca Sicula, a small town in the province of Agrigento. For generations we have been specialized in the cultivation and production of organic oil and oranges. Our oil is extracted from the perfect mix of Biancolilla (80%) and Nocellara del Belice (20%) varieties. Our oranges belong to the group of blond umbilicated oranges, the so-called "Ribera Oranges". We produce various types of oranges: Washington Navel Risanato, Brasiliano, Washington Navel 3033 and Vanilla Apireno as well as other citrus fruits: lemons, mandarins, clementines etc.

I started managing the company in 2009, first of all dedicating myself to the expansion of the territory and to have a product of excellent quality. As evidenced by all the certifications obtained over the years, we have long boasted the certificates of conformity BIO, DOP Val Di Mazara, IGP Sicily and Orange DOP of Ribera, to which others will be added over time.

The basic principle on which our company is based is very simple: "FROM MY HOME TO YOUR HOME"That is to produce and market the best products that our land gives us, using the so-called" short chain "that allows us to send all the various products of the shop directly to the home of each of our customers in a very short period of time. And, in this way, any other intermediate relationship between producer and final consumer (single or associated GAS) "FROM MY HOME TO YOUR HOME" is avoided. The market to which we address is very large, in fact we market our products both in Italy and abroad, with the desire to create a relationship of trust, serious and lasting with each of our customers, with the sole purpose of satisfying the huge demand for typical Sicilian products of the highest quality.


Our company has always known how to keep up with the times, gradually introducing new tools for the production of products without losing the passion for manual processing and for the care of every single phase of the process that characterizes them.









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processi produttivi

Production processes

Our production of organic extra virgin olive oil, which has been going on from generation to generation and managed by me since 2009, goes through various phases, characterized by different procedures that give life to a tasty and ideal product as a condiment for any dish. that you cook. The process is long and takes us for a whole year.


Therefirst phaseconsists ofplant cultivationthrough various treatments. The first is “dry pruning”, also known as “winter pruning”, because it is carried out in the post-harvest winter months. This is followed by the elimination of pruning residues which takes place through a mechanical shredding operation. Subsequently, treatments based on cupric products are used to disinfect the olive tree after pruning and to counteract the risk of major infections. The next procedure is that of working the soil which is carried out about 3-4 times a year with a maximum depth of less than 10-15 cm, in order to mechanically eliminate or at least limit the presence of spontaneous herbs that compete with the olive trees and They "steal" water and nutrients. This leads to the fertilization process which is extremely important because it is based on essential elements for the vegetative and productive process of the olive tree, namely nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and sulfur and can be carried out at the end of winter or early spring. Finally, it is necessary to clean the trunks to ensure that the assembly of the tents during harvesting takes place smoothly and quickly.


Theresecond phaseis that ofolive harvest. It can traditionally be done "by hand" or with the aid of mechanical harvesters. In order for the product to be characterized by excellent quality, the olives are properly selected, considering only those that exceed the various quality criteria set by us. The other olives are instead discarded as the aforementioned could have a negative impact on the quality of the final product.


Subsequently, the olives are transported to the mill for themillingand this represents thethird stageof the production process. Specifically, from the trimoglia the olives enter the crusher by means of an elevator belt and are conveyed to the washing machine, passing through a defoliator. Then they are subjected to crushing and kneading, that is the crushing, together with the pulp and the stone. The result is the so-called oil paste, which is stirred thanks to special rotating propellers every 20-30 minutes, for 40-60 minutes, in the absence of oxygen and at a temperature of about 25 ° C / 27 ° C.


Therefourthand the last phase is that ofextraction: the oil paste is placed in the decanter or centrifuge, where, by maintaining a constant temperature that does not exceed 25 ° C, the oil is separated from the vegetation water and pomace, i.e. residues of the olive and fragments of the stone. This step of eliminating the presence of water and pulp fragments guarantees a better conservation of the oil. Our wonderful oil is then transferred directly into the appropriate containers, i.e. milk or glass bottles which are subsequently labeled and ready to arrive in our customers' homes.

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Choose the quality

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