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The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) identifies the designation of a product whose production, transformation and elaboration must take place in a specific geographical area characterized by a recognized and established expertise.


L'PDO Ribera Orangebelongs to the group of umbilicated blond oranges, with blond pulp and seedless and enjoys the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), recognition published with the European Union Regulation n ° 95/2011 in the Official Journal of the European Union of 4 February 2011 , pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 510/2006.


Since 2015 the companySortino Biohas joined the Consortium for the Protection of the "Orange Ribera of Sicily", which aims to guarantee and distinguish the product "Orange of Ribera", its characteristics, its origin, also through promotional initiatives aimed at encouraging marketing and consumption in national and foreign markets, as well as the promotion of associations that ensure a more rational and efficient management of marketing.

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