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PDO ribera oranges

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The companySortino Biocultivate theOrganic Orange of Ribera PDOin various territories of the province of Agrigento.  Its production begins in the first half of November with the variety  Washington Navel Risanato and continues, from December until the end of May, with the Brasiliano variety, Washington Navel 3033 and Vaniglia Apireno.


Containsvitamin A, B1, B2, vitamin C, mineral salts and sugars. It has well-balanced nutritional components, of ready assimilation, easy digestibility and antioxidant properties, thus favoring the strengthening of the immune system. It can be consumed fresh as fruit or juice and only the consumption of a single orange is sufficient to satisfy the daily requirement of vitamin C.


It is recommended to use in the kitchen in the preparation ofaperitifs, digestives, in first and second courses. Excellent orange salads, sweets and desserts. It should also be consumed in the evening for hishigh digestibility.


The exclusive qualities of our Orange are essentially linked to environmental factors: climate, soil and water.


Two important factors related to the cultivation environment are represented by the excellent quality of the irrigation waterbalanced composition, with low conductivity and the absence of pollutants in the air and in the ground. The particular conformation of the territory is also of considerable importance, and above all the effects of the presence of the sea, which determine thermal and hygrometric conditions, during the year, which blend well with the ecological physiological needs of the orange.

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